Men’s Mikvah
The Men’s Mikvah is located on the second level of the JBC.
It is open daily from 7:00 AM – 12:00 PM.
The key is available at the Kosher Shop.
$5 – Weekdays
$10 – Friday Afternoon.
Women’s Mikvah
The Women’s Mikvah is located on the ground floor of the JBC.
It is equipped with a heater and filter as well as all necessary amenities.
For an appointment, please call:
Simcha Abergel :+65 9673 9184
Odelia Rivni: +65 9232 7095.
Cost :
To maintain the upkeep of our mikvah, there is a fee of $20 per visit.
Personal Classes:
Personal classes on Family Purity are available upon request.
For more information please contact Simcha or Odelia.